Monday 13 August 2012

What is fasting?

It seems to make sense that before discussing the results of fasts, various approaches to it etc that I should describe what fasting is.

My definition is that it is a voluntary reduction or cessation in the consumption of food stuffs. Over the years there have been many popular fasting type diets, that don't appear to have led to any real sustained weight loss. This is due I think to the diet mentality rather than anything wrong with fasting per se.

The internet is full of different fasting regimes and idea, however I do beleive that you should work up to fasting gradually, and is not only gets your body used to the change, but also your psyche as well. As anyone who has tried dieting will know, enlisting the support of your mind makes things considerably easier.

Fasting has a long historical context, and you can find mention of Jesus fasting in the Bible for example, and at times many different individuals from very different life paths have advocated its use.

So in short, a fast is when you voluntarily reduce or stop eating various foods for a certain period of time. Sound scary? It shouldn't you do this every night when you sleep, and you more than likely do this when you are ill.

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